Parties and Festivales is free for artists affiliated with Neurotrance Records. If you want your event added send us the info and we’ll get it online.
Friday 23th, September, 2011 Calle 2 Braulio Vera Ave. #6960, Irpavi, La Paz, Bolivia
Saturday, September 24 at 9:00pm – September 25 at 3:00am Mato´s Pub – Av. Sanchez Lima n° 2237, La Paz, Bolivia
Random Is not Whatever irrumpe el ambiente habitual de la noche. Presenta: Compilation vol.1, primer disco de los artistas del sello. Dos noches en una atmósfera distinta en los lugares de siempre con amigos y buena música. Viernes 15: Target Urbano (Av.6 de Agosto #2548, Sopocachi) | Sábado 16: Stonehenge (Av.Montenegro #909, San Miguel) 22:30, […]
Saturday, June 18 at 4:30pm – June 19 at 4:30pm EN LA ANGOSTURA km 16.5 la angostura restaurante “Las cabañitas Ciudad Cochabamba, Bolivia